Archive for hoist

Person Hoists: Everything you need to know

Are you or a loved one unable to transfer from a wheelchair to a car seat unassisted? Person hoists could be the solution. Before going to the time and expense of changing to a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV), perhaps it’s time to look into the option of installing a person hoist in your existing car?

Adult person hoistHoists – helping with the heavy lifting

Person hoists are very similar to those used in the home, such as bath and bed hoists. The user sits in a sling (small, medium or large) and an electric motor raises them out of the wheelchair to lift them into the car seat. The hoists allow the user to travel in a standard car seat at the front of a vehicle, making them an excellent alternative to wheelchair accessible vehicles while, at the same time, reducing the cost burden.

Free Assessment service

However, it is important to note that this solution does not work for everyone, so it is vital that every client has had a full demonstration and assessment with us. This free-of-charge service enables us to determine whether a hoist will meet a customer’s needs and whether the vehicle being considered for the hoist will be suitable.

Click here for further information on our free assessment service.

Person hoistsAdult and child hoists

Adult hoists come with a standard lifting capacity of 17.5 stone (111 kg), but this can be upgraded to 23.5 stone (149 kg) if necessary. Hoists for children work in the same way as adult hoists but the slings are smaller. Slings for children are available in ‘Small’ and ‘Extra Small’ sizes.

Bespoke solutions tailored to your needs

We pride ourselves on our ability to engineer bespoke solutions to resolve complex problems. If you’ve previously been told something can’t be done, please contact us to discuss your requirements so we can look at your options with you.

Adapted vehicles – what are they and how can they help?

The freedom being able to drive affords us allows us to experience the world in a variety of new and interesting ways. From a simple trip to the local grocery store to that much-anticipated vacation, driving gives us the ability to accomplish and enjoy so much more of what life has to offer.

Whilst driving with a disability may seem scary and intimidating, perhaps even impossible, it’s doesn’t have to be. With advancements in vehicle adaptations, more and more disabled can discover, or rediscover, the independence offered by adapted vehicles, either privately or through the Motability Scheme.

What adapted vehicles offer

Adapted vehicles solve a wide variety of challenges for those with disabilities. Car Adaptations can range from simple steering balls to full Drive From Wheelchair customisations, depending on the needs of our customers. After a thorough assessment, Ergomobility will be able to offer the best solution to meet your needs, helping you to confidently operate your vehicle and opening up a whole new world of exploration.

Here are just a few of the adaptations available:Under-ring accelerator

Hand Controls

Hand controls allow people with limited lower body movement to control the adapted vehicle’s accelerator and brake with the use of paddles, rings or levers around the steering wheel.

Left Foot Accelerator

Adapted vehicles with an automatic gearbox and left foot accelerator are perfect for people who have limited movement on the right side of their body, allowing them to use the pedals with a single foot.

Radio RemotesDriving Controls

Radio remotes are particularly useful for people who find it difficult or impossible to drive with two hands and allows access to other in-car controls via a keypad on the steering wheel. These include the radio, air conditioning, windscreen wipers etc.

Radio remotes can also come with a miniature steering function or stick steering which allows you to control the movement of the car within a much smaller area.

Wheelchair Hoists

While driving is the end goal, you first have to be able to enter and exit the vehicle and sit comfortably enough to drive. This is the realm of the wheelchair hoist, which will help to lift either a driver or passenger from their seat into the car.

Swivel Seats

Another accessibility adaptation is the swivel seat, which allows the driver or passenger to unlock the seating position and turn the seat to the side, making ingress and egress a much simpler task.

Drive From Wheelchair

Although one of the more complicated vehicle adaptations, wheelchair driving is also possible for several people. The ability to access the adapted vehicle’s full functionality from your wheelchair means that it will necessitate a larger vehicle with ramp access. However, the benefit is that you won’t need to transition to and from your wheelchair to go for a drive.

The Process

How difficult it will be to learn to drive with a disability is not an easy choice to make and the process can be difficult. Ergomobility is here to help you each step of the way and can provide information and recommendations for each step of the process.

Step one is to undertake an assessment to determine exactly what kind of adaptations you will need to safely operate your vehicle.

If you can find a driving instructor with a suitably adapted vehicle, you could start learning to drive a mobility car straight away. Alternatively, you will need to secure a car with the required changes first (which may take some months).

However, once you are proficient and have your licence, the freedom and independence your adapted vehicle will provide are priceless.

For more information about adapted vehicles, you can contact our friendly and knowledgeable team on 01444 882233 or Alternatively, head on over to our contact page and fill out the enquiry form.

Mid-Term Motability Adaptations

We were asked a question by a Motability salesman a few days ago and as it’s not the first time, so we thought it was worth sharing.

The question was, “Can a Motability customer have further adaptations added to their vehicle during its lease period?”

The short answer is yes, your customer can have adaptations fitted to their vehicle during its lease period (after handover). However, they must advise Motability beforehand and the vehicle must be suitable for the adaptations. If it is, your customer must pay the Motability Adaptation Specialist directly.

There are a few reasons why someone may need adaptations fitted after the vehicle handover:

  • An unforseen change in their disability or circumstances.
  • The client hadn’t realised which adaptations were available to them.
  • Something was missed by the client, dealer or adaptations specialist at the time of ordering the vehicle.

Obviously, a change in disability cannot be predicted and therefore adding extra adaptations is unavoidable.

The other two circumstances may be avoided if the adaptations specialist takes the time to speak to your client at the time of ordering.

At Ergomobility we always contact your customer before adapting their vehicle. We sometimes find that they would benefit from additional adaptations, many of which they may not be aware of and are often free under the Motability scheme. For example, a customer requesting hand controls may also benefit from a steering ball, indicator switch and pedal guard.

It is our mission to ensure we find the best solution for your customer first time, every time, so they can enjoy their car for the entire period of their vehicle lease, without the need for additional adaptations.

You can contact our friendly and knowledgeable team on 01444 882233 or Alternatively, head on over to our contact page and fill out the enquiry form.

Ergomobility Sussex
Units 1 – 4, Crosspost Industrial Park,
Cowfold Road, Bolney,
West Sussex, RH17 5QU

Telephone: 01444 882233

Ergomobility Thames Valley
Reading, RG4 7XW

Telephone: 0118 321 8193

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Ergomobility is a trading name of Equivalent Engineering Ltd. VAT Registered Number 776341117
Company registered in Cardiff number 4321179 Registered office – Units 1 to 4, Crosspost Industrial Park, Cowfold Road, Bolney, RH17 5QU